Kathryn O. Galbraith Children's Book Author
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For additional information or my speaking schedule, please email me at sorkgalbraith@msn.com

One of the things I most enjoy doing when I'm not writing is talking about writing. For nine years I taught Writing for Children: The Foundations at the University of Washington. This ten-week, thirty-hour course covered the basics of writing for children. Many of my conference lectures have been drawn from my teaching experiences.

In addition to teaching at the University of Washington, I have spoken at Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) conferences across the country including, Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Listed below is a sample of the presentations I've given. I am always in the process of developing more.

Character & Plot Hand-in-Hand: To create satisfying fiction, character and plot need to grow hand-in-hand. Included here are suggestions and techniques to use when you find your characters have grown suddenly silent and your plot is headed for Australia.

Dialogue Says It All: Whether you are writing for adults or children, good dialogue is a crucial element in successful fiction. Luckily, there are guidelines and suggestions that can help. This workshop will include plenty of examples plus hands-on exercises.

Mining Your Memories: Memories can provide powerful seeds, both tragic and comic, that can grow and gather power, becoming rich compost for story ideas. This workshop explores the many ways to invite and nourish the Memory Muse.

"Only God gets it right the first time." (Stephen King): Revision is not the end of the creative process, but a new beginning. Discover how to sharpen your manuscript line-by-line as well as "re-vision" the shape of the entire story.

Opening the Door: You have a wonderful idea for a novel. Now, how to begin? Open the door of first chapters and explore the beckoning ways to catch and hold your readers.

The Sky's the Limit - Writing Non-fiction Picture Books: Writing non-fiction opens up an entire world of topics - history, science, biographies, natural history, current events & more! In writing non-fiction, you use some of the elements of fiction and combine it with your own passionate interest, careful research and delight. This presentation will jump-start you into a new genre.

Writing Aerobics: Need to refill the well? Shake off the Critic? Explore new ideas? Writing Aerobics is a hands-on workshop that will jump start your writing by using all of your senses. Bring pen and paper and let your writing reveal yourself to yourself.

Writing your own Good-Night Moon: Have you always wanted to write a picture book? This craft workshop will discuss the essential elements of a successful picture book text, plus instructions on creating your own dummy - a crucial step before you bid your manuscript good-bye.